Cont­act us

We will be hap­py to help you with any ques­ti­ons or pro­blems.
So don’t be afraid to cont­act us. We are hap­py to help in an uncom­pli­ca­ted way. Let’s take the next step tog­e­ther and achie­ve our goals tog­e­ther! We look for­ward to hea­ring from you:.

Manuel Fischer

Manu­el Fischer
Mana­ger and teacher

“My name is Manu­el Fischer. I am the mana­ging direc­tor of »wei­ter-bil­den GbR« and the cont­act per­son for par­ents, stu­dents and tutors. As a tutor, I am part of our dedi­ca­ted team. I am curr­ent­ly stu­dy­ing busi­ness admi­nis­tra­ti­on and busi­ness psy­cho­lo­gy, my main sub­jects: Ger­man, mathe­ma­tics, English.”

Cont­act me:   .. 

Rainer Fischer

Rai­ner Fischer
Cont­act per­son and organiser

“My name is Rai­ner Fischer. I look back on over 50 years of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence in mar­ke­ting and sales in lar­ge cor­po­ra­ti­ons. I am hap­py to sup­port »wei­ter-bil­den« on an orga­ni­sa­tio­nal level, also as a cont­act per­son for schools, social workers and authorities!”

Cont­act me:   .. 


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Our tuto­ring at the Elber­feld loca­ti­on is certified.