
The qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on of the tea­chers is of cen­tral importance for »wei­ter-bil­den« in order to pro­vi­de the best tea­ching for each indi­vi­du­al! In addi­ti­on to a sound edu­ca­ti­on and ade­qua­te qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, we place gre­at value on empa­thy when sel­ec­ting our tea­chers. If you have any ques­ti­ons about our tea­chers or our ran­ge of ser­vices, do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us!

© Pix­a­bay


As tea­chers in schools, they give their all so that pupils can actively par­ti­ci­pa­te in les­sons and opti­mal­ly fol­low the con­tent. It is good that tea­chers under the umbrel­la of »wei­ter-bil­den GbR« can also give decisi­ve impul­ses out­side the actu­al school lessons.

© Pix­a­bay

As a pri­va­te tui­ti­on school, »wei­ter-bil­den« works hand in hand with the schools. The con­cept of the edu­ca­ti­on packa­ge sup­ports fami­lies with low inco­mes. This ide­al­ly com­ple­ments the school les­sons and gaps can be fil­led. Befo­re we start our pri­va­te tui­ti­on, we attach gre­at importance to an in-depth con­sul­ta­ti­on for indi­vi­du­al sup­port options.



Our tuto­ring at the Elber­feld loca­ti­on is certified.