The qualification of the teachers is of central importance for »weiter-bilden« in order to provide the best teaching for each individual! In addition to a sound education and adequate qualifications, we place great value on empathy when selecting our teachers. If you have any questions about our teachers or our range of services, do not hesitate to contact us!

As teachers in schools, they give their all so that pupils can actively participate in lessons and optimally follow the content. It is good that teachers under the umbrella of »weiter-bilden GbR« can also give decisive impulses outside the actual school lessons.

As a private tuition school, »weiter-bilden« works hand in hand with the schools. The concept of the education package supports families with low incomes. This ideally complements the school lessons and gaps can be filled. Before we start our private tuition, we attach great importance to an in-depth consultation for individual support options.
Our tutoring at the Elberfeld location is certified.