Our mis­si­on

Our cle­ar­ly for­mu­la­ted goal is to make it easier for all peo­p­le to inte­gra­te into our socie­ty. Ever­yo­ne deser­ves the chan­ce to achie­ve his or her indi­vi­du­al goals, be it pro­mo­ti­on at school, the actu­al school-lea­ving cer­ti­fi­ca­te or real chan­ces on the labour mar­ket. We always focus on a clear under­stan­ding bet­ween stu­dents and tea­chers. The cla­im of our insti­tu­ti­on »wei­ter-bil­den«, which has been tried and tes­ted for years, is: “Lear­ning must be fun!


Indi­vi­du­al lear­ning concepts

The over­all con­cept of »wei­ter-bil­den GbR« stands out from the mas­ses in essen­ti­al points. Through detail­ed coun­sel­ling at the begin­ning of the »wei­ter-bil­den« pro­gram­me, we crea­te an indi­vi­du­al lear­ning con­cept for each stu­dent. It goes wit­hout say­ing that the goals and wis­hes of each indi­vi­du­al are taken into account. Choo­sing the right lear­ning sup­port pro­vi­der is often not easy. We would like to help you make the right decisions.

All advan­ta­ges at a glance:

  • Sup­port in indi­vi­du­al lessons
    and/or in small groups
  • pro­fes­sio­nal rooms for effec­ti­ve teaching
  • tar­ge­ted, suc­cess-ori­en­ted lear­ning concept
  • pri­cing adapt­ed to the needs of the student
  • no con­tract peri­ods or month­ly fees
  • qua­li­fied and com­mit­ted teachers
  • Free and non-bin­ding counselling
  • Sup­port spec­trum for all (e.g. bene­fit recipients)
  • oppor­tu­ni­ty to inten­si­fy lessons,
    for exam­p­le imme­dia­te­ly befo­re exams
    or in case of other difficulties



Our tuto­ring at the Elber­feld loca­ti­on is certified.