Summertime: “Holiday time or Learning time?”

Lernstudio Elberfeld

June 2023 — All pupils are loo­king for­ward to the “big holi­days” with gre­at joy. Final­ly, the sum­mer holi­days are coming. This year, the holi­days for NRW alre­a­dy begin on Thurs­day, 22 June. No school for more than six weeks, no home­work and no pres­su­re to take grades.

Howe­ver, here and the­re the ques­ti­on ari­ses as to whe­ther one could have stu­di­ed even more! Be it to stri­ve for a bet­ter gra­de or to get the “saving D” on the report card?

“The sum­mer holi­days are a good time to review the mate­ri­al from the pre­vious school year, but also to con­so­li­da­te exis­ting know­ledge,” says Manu­el Fischer, who runs the “Lern­stu­dio Elber­feld” at Wall 1 in Elber­feld, an insti­tu­ti­on that also offers tuto­ring during the holi­days. The Lern­stu­dio will open its doors again on 18 July 2023. Inte­res­ted stu­dents can sim­ply cont­act the tea­cher in char­ge or Manu­el Fischer direct­ly. He will then take care of the rest of the programme.

For soci­al­ly wea­k­er fami­lies, the­re is also the pos­si­bi­li­ty of get­ting an inten­si­ve cour­se appro­ved by the city and the Wup­per­tal Job Cent­re through the Edu­ca­ti­on and Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on Act. In this case, a cor­re­spon­ding appli­ca­ti­on would be made after a need has been deter­mi­ned by the school. The num­ber of hours cer­ti­fied by the school as well as the sub­jects can vary.

Manu­el Fischer also helps with the appli­ca­ti­on in the­se cases.