»weiter-bilden« expands

Lernstudio Elberfeld

Sep­tem­ber 2021 - The fami­ly-run tuto­ring school »wei­ter-bil­den GbR« led by Manu­el and Rai­ner Fischer takes a big step and takes over the renow­ned »Lern­stu­dio in Elber­feld« , which has been estab­lished for over ten years. The pre­mi­ses are loca­ted direct­ly in the city cent­re and are easi­ly acces­si­ble by public transport.

Lernstudio Elberfeld

Expan­si­on of the pro­duct range

“This is an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty and a gre­at chall­enge for us at the same time”, says Manu­el Fischer, one of the two direc­tors of the tuto­ring school. “Oppor­tu­ni­ty, becau­se we now have the chan­ce to expand our pro­duct ran­ge and appear local­ly with our own pre­mi­ses. Chall­enge, becau­se from now on the­re is much more to do orga­ni­sa­tio­nal­ly! After all, tog­e­ther with my father, I plan and orga­ni­se ever­y­thing alo­ne in the back­ground!” Fischer continues.

Group size: Maxi­mum of three pupils

In addi­ti­on to the indi­vi­du­al tuto­ring pre­vious­ly offe­red to child­ren from soci­al­ly wea­k­er fami­lies, group tuto­ring can now also be offe­red in the new »Lern­stu­dio Elber­feld«. In con­trast to other schools in this sec­tor, group tui­ti­on is con­duc­ted with a maxi­mum of three par­ti­ci­pan­ts. “A lar­ger group does not make sen­se from a pedago­gi­cal point of view”, Manu­el Fischer empha­si­s­es. In the group con­stel­la­ti­on, care is also taken to ensu­re that it is homo­ge­neous­ly com­po­sed and – if pos­si­ble – includes not only the same sub­ject but also the same grade.

Tea­ching staff will be taken on

Not only the pre­mi­ses at Wall 1 in Elber­feld, but also the tea­ching staff of twel­ve as well as all the pupils loo­ked after the­re could be taken over by the Fischers. “That is a gre­at advan­ta­ge”, Rai­ner Fischer knows. “Many things that have to be done at the begin­ning of such a pro­ject, such as recrui­ting tea­chers or acqui­ring poten­ti­al pupils, are no lon­ger neces­sa­ry. Bey­ond that, ever­y­thing can stay the same for tea­chers and stu­dents ali­ke. Apart from the fact that Manu­el and I now run the Elber­feld Lear­ning Stu­dio.” A win-win situa­ti­on for all involved.