The slight­ly dif­fe­rent cram school

Tuto­ring wit­hout long con­tract peri­ods, even for soci­al­ly dis­ad­van­ta­ged fami­lies?
The Wup­per­tal tuto­ring school »wei­ter-bil­den«, which has been acti­ve sin­ce 2018, makes this pos­si­ble. The spe­cial thing about it: Run by the two foun­ders Manu­el and Rai­ner Fischer, »wei­ter-bil­den GbR« pri­ma­ri­ly offers its stu­dents tail­or-made solutions.

Rainer & Manuel Fischer

“We take tuto­ring to whe­re it is nee­ded most!” is how Manu­el Fischer explains the school’s con­cept. “Espe­ci­al­ly child­ren with a migra­ti­on back­ground defi­ni­te­ly need our sup­port. Through this, the pupils can quick­ly learn the Ger­man lan­guage, as a basis for a school-lea­ving qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on the pos­si­bi­li­ty of being able to start an app­ren­ti­ce­ship,” the com­mit­ted father-son team under­lines the enorm­ous importance of »wei­ter-bil­den GbR«.

Indi­vi­du­al tui­ti­on is pre­fer­red in the first step

Sin­ce the lan­guage bar­ri­er is often a pro­blem in the begin­ning, »wei­ter-bil­den« has con­cep­tua­li­sed indi­vi­du­al tuto­ring as the best form of ins­truc­tion for this group of peo­p­le. “In this form, we can best respond to the needs of the child­ren,” Manu­el Fischer explains this decision.

weiter-bilden GbR
© Pix­a­bay

Inte­gra­ti­on through education

“We see it as a social task to enable the­se peo­p­le to inte­gra­te into our socie­ty through edu­ca­ti­on,” adds Manuel’s father Rai­ner. Sin­ce the­se are often soci­al­ly wea­k­er fami­lies, the cos­ts incur­red are cover­ed by the city or the Wup­per­tal Job Cent­re as part of the edu­ca­ti­on and par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on packa­ge. The fami­lies do not have to pay for this “lear­ning sup­port” themselves.

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Exten­si­ve assistance

Over­all, Manu­el and Rai­ner Fischer go one step fur­ther: they actively sup­port par­ents and stu­dents with appli­ca­ti­ons, ques­ti­ons and other pro­blems such as deal­ing with aut­ho­ri­ties. This can also include regis­tering and dere­gis­tering with a sports club or the local elec­tri­ci­ty pro­vi­der. It is not uncom­mon for this exten­si­ve assis­tance to lead to real friendships.

Rainer Fischer

“We open up perspectives!”

“Let­ting fri­end­ships deve­lop is one of the reasons why I enjoy this work so much and want to con­ti­nue to be so invol­ved,” says Rai­ner Fischer. “With joy I see that we can make a dif­fe­rence! We mana­ge to give peo­p­le a per­spec­ti­ve!” The sub­jects most in demand: Ger­man, mathe­ma­tics and English.



Our tuto­ring at the Elber­feld loca­ti­on is certified.